5 Best Flea And Tick Treatments For Cats 2022

best flea and tick treatments for cats

All cats around the world share a need to hunt. Although you can simulate hunting by giving your cat various toys, it will never be the same as when she has her own autonomy to hunt.

A cat going outside is the time when the problems with fleas and ticks begin. That why in this post we will talk about the best flea and tick treatment for cats.

We recommend products like Bayer’s Advantage II that attack fleas at all stages of their life circle development.

In the following article, we will go through several important reasons why you need the best flea and tick treatment for your cat.

Furthermore, we will inform you about the things you need to know before you buy these products. We will inform you about the health benefits of different sorts of flea and tick treatments for cats.

Here, you can also find some of the common differences and benefits of home remedies versus store-bought ones are.

Lastly, we will explain all about the various methods applied as home remedies and the reasons behind choosing certain products in pet stores.

In a hurry? Here is our top pick:

Bayer Advantage II Flea Prevention for Cats

Bayer Advantage II Flea Prevention for Cats

This treatment is easy to apply and suitable for use on cats and kittens 8 weeks of age or older. It’s a monthly topical treatment that you can trust to keep your cat flea and tick free!


  • Kills fleas at multiple life stages
  • Easy topical application
  • Waterproof

All products featured on Cat Travel Guide are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our links, we may earn a small affiliate commission.

Quick summary

Bayer Advantage II Flea Prevention for CatsBayer Advantage II Flea Prevention for Cats
  • Kills fleas at multiple life stages
  • Easy topical application
  • Waterproof
Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for CatBayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cats
  • Kills adult fleas, flea larvae, ticks
  • Works for 8 continuous months
  • Easy to use
Novartis Capstar Flea TabletsNovartis Capstar Flea Tablets
  • Kills fleas within 30 minutes to 6 hours of initial treatment
  • It’s safe for consumption
  • Rarely has any side-effects
Wondercide Flea and Tick and Mosquito Control SprayWondercide Flea and Tick Control Spray
  • Natural ingredients
  • Safe for everyone
  • Easy to use
Safari Pet Products Safari Flea CombSafari Flea Comb for Cats
  • Easy to use
  • Two rows of fine teeth
  • Doesn’t cause discomfort to your cat

Before you buy: 5 things to consider before buying flea and tick treatments

As cats are genetically predisposed to hunt, they are also likely to get into various dangerous situations.

Among such issues are the multiple health problems that arise over time if the cat is left untreated.

As an owner, it is your responsibility to take care of all of your cat’s issues so that it can lead a healthy and happy life.

1. Fleas are among the most common of a cat’s problems

This is especially true during hot, summer days when fleas thrive.

Cats and other furry animals are their ideal source of food, but it is not uncommon to see flea bite marks on humans, too! Especially on the legs where you can find red bite marks.

The fleas that attack cats are known as Ctenocephalides Felis or the cat flea.

They are usually attacking cats specifically, although it’s not uncommon to find them on dogs, too!

They are wingless insects that jump onto their host and live their life as a parasite.

Flea life cycle

life cycle of a cat flea

This particular life cycle is divided into five different stages of development:

Flea Egg

Flea eggs are usually half a millimeter in size, always colored white. They represent an early age of a flea’s development, and one adult flea female can hatch up to eight thousand eggs per one life cycle!

That can happen in scenarios where all the required conditions are fulfilled. However, most fleas are usually got rid of before they get to that point.

Either the cat eats them while grooming or some other factor exterminates them in the process of cleaning a cat’s fur.

They will be visible both on the skin and on the fur, so paying attention to this is one of the main ways to discover a flea infestation issue.

Flea Larvae

After several days, the larvae will try to seek shelter in the lowest possible places on the cat’s fur, as they heavily dislike being exposed to any sort of light source.

For the next stage of the flea development, a larva needs to feed with adult flea feces known as the flea dirt.

Flea dirt is the primary source of food for larvae and it is mostly made out of the blood.

For flea eggs to hatch they need not a host, as they can freely hatch and survive for a long time even in the carpet or other types of furniture that’s usually found in a cozy home.

Flea Pupae

The flea larvae will enter the state of transformation and emerge as a cocoon. This cocoon is known as flea pupae.

This particular stage of development is a crucial segment of flea life since it allows them to stay hidden and steady for a long time.

In this stage, they feel vibrations and they use that to navigate towards their next host.

This is also the reason why some of the fleas will also jump onto a human, too!

Pupae state is highly protective and can sustain a flea until it’s ready to emerge as a young flea.

In some cases, this protective pupae can offer protection for an entire year! This is why fleas can be hard to deal with.

Young Flea

Young flea is the next stage of the flea development and life cycle. During this time they are extremely vulnerable until they start drinking the blood of their hosts.

Although they can still maintain being without food, they do need it in order to start their adult flea life and lay more eggs.

For the female to reach this stage she must eat, otherwise, there won’t be enough energy to continue the species’ life cycle.

Adult Fleas

Adult fleas are the last stage of flea development. They are responsible for many diseases and different issues that can arise in a cat’s digestive tract, such as additional parasites.

Adult fleas’ infestation almost always means that a cat is infected with a worm of some sort, and younger cats are especially susceptible to the effect of the flea bites.

Young cats’ organisms can’t really protect them well enough, so they need extra care both by a professional veterinarian as well as their owner.

The Ideal Flea Temperature And Humidity

Besides finding a host with sweeter blood that fleas adore, and being most likely to hatch during the hot summer days.

Fleas also are rather sensitive when it comes to humidity. Scientifically speaking, any temperature below 10 degrees Celsius will kill flea eggs, and so will the lack of humidity in the air.

Flea eggs need at least around 40 percent of air humidity in order to actually survive.

For adult fleas, any temperature below the freezing point is lethal. The same goes for temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius.

Fleas are bound to die out unless they can find a cover in harsher weather conditions, and their lives can last for two days at most.

2. The life cycle and development of ticks

Ticks are parasitic arachnids that live on the host. There are over nine hundred different tick species and they are spread around the world.

They are commonly found in humid and warm climates where there is enough moisture to develop from an egg to a larvae stage.

Two most common types of ticks

The two most common types of ticks are soft tick and hard tick. This classification comes from their body shape and form.

When an adult soft tick is well fed with blood it appears no bigger than a coffee bean.

Its body is soft to the touch and its head is located beneath the upper parts of the body.

You won’t be able to locate it unless you flip the tick on its back. Hard ticks are called like that because of the harder plate on their back called the scutum.

Their heads are visible to the naked eye and are located upfront. They are somewhat darker in color in contrast to their soft tick cousins.

Ticks are bloodsuckers

Similar to fleas, ticks are also bloodsuckers that feed off the blood of a host.

In contrast to fleas, ticks do not move around much. Instead, they like to burrow into the flesh of the host and drink the blood from such a position.

Although you might think that they are closely related to the mosquitoes, the fact remains that ticks are closer to spiders than insects.

They hunt their prey by attaching with their flat bodies and wait for the opportunity to bite.

Blood drinking is absolutely essential for the life cycle and development of the tick.

Stages of tick development

Ticks go through four different stages of development. Each of these stages follows seasonal changes.

Tick Eggs

Tick eggs are placed by adult ticks. They survive through the winter in warmer places and cracks of the wood.

On the first signals of warmer days, the eggs turn into a hardening larvae stage.

Tick Larvae

This is when the larvae become stronger and seek food in order to grow into a tick nymph. This process can last for an entire spring.

After tick larvae turn into a tick nymph, the process of finding a host is the primary goal.

Tick Nymph

Tick nymphs will start rushing on the tall grass or any other form of a plant, hoping that someone will pass so that they can attach themselves.

However, ticks are also known to be able to smell when their host is coming.

Ticks spread their hook-like legs and wait for the host to approach after which they will immediately find a good location to start drinking blood and continue their development process into an adult tick.

This process usually lasts for an entire summer, when ticks are most prominent in the areas such as fields, pastures, yards and so on.

Adult Ticks

Adult ticks are well fed and they have the ability to lay eggs. Adult tick females can lay thousands of eggs before they die!

The eggs look like a mass of little pearls attached to each other. These eggs can survive in harsh environments and low temperatures.

For ticks to remain active they need a lot of humidity and hydration, as well as protection from the sun.

Ticks can’t survive for long in a desert-like area and will survive for upmost two days in such a climate. This is why continental climate suits them best.

And if you live in a continental climate where there is a lot of grass and enough moisture even during the summer, picking only the best flea and tick treatments for cats should be your primary concern.

3. How fleas and ticks get onto cats

Now that we’ve seen what the development and life cycle of ticks and fleas are like, it is no wonder that both of these blood-drinking parasites are eager to find a host.

Usually, cats and dogs are the most ideal of victims for these sorts of parasites.

As the spring ends and summer begins, the temperature also rises and makes it ideal for the final stages of the flea and tick life cycles.

This is why they are most aggressive during these months as they are seeking a host to complete their final life stages and lay eggs.

Without blood, there are no eggs and this rule applies to both fleas and ticks.

Although both fleas and ticks can survive without blood for a prolonged period, they can’t enter any state of change or development without the blood.

As we previously mentioned, cats are nocturnal hunters that are most eager to hide in the tall grass or behind a bush as they are marking their prey.

This is exactly the location where ticks will start questing for the host.

This usually occurs during the late evening or early morning when the sun is not too strong since ticks can’t take too much sun exposure.

Ticks and fleas are rather small and will go unnoticed until they are already in their adult stage. In which case, it is certain that they already fed upon their cat host.

This calls for an immediate veterinarian action since both fleas and ticks are known to transfer a lot of different parasites through their saliva into the host organism.

Although it mostly differs based on what the larvae ate, it is almost always certain that a flea or a tick bite can have serious consequences for a young cat or even humans!

Seeking medical help and a professional veterinarian’s help is highly advised!

4. Common illnesses transferred by ticks and fleas

Fleas bite the cat

Ticks and fleas are among the worst parasites in the world. They are fully external in terms of their active lives, but they are able to produce a lot of harm to their host by sheer feeding.

Although not all illnesses are serious, there are some that can cause serious harm to kittens or children.

The Feline Infectious Anemia (FIA)

One of the primary bacterial diseases that strike cats worldwide. This illness is directly attacking the red blood cells of the cats and can cause serious anemia in your loving pet cat!

It takes about a month to have a serious, death threatening situation. Seeking a veterinarian’s help is strictly advised even if you just spot flea eggs or bite marks on your cat.

Some humans can also have this particular bacterial disease.

However, this only occurs in humans who are already having issues with blood cells in their organism or can’t fight off the bacteria through their natural organism’s defenses.

Tapeworm infection

The most common flea transferred disease. This particular infection occurs whenever a flea is drinking the blood of the host.

The tapeworm is an interior parasite that finds its home inside the cat’s digestive tract. The tapeworm got its name based on its appearance.

The most common of symptoms that show that the cat is infected will be with the dead skin of the tapeworm’s tail that usually gets released naturally.

Murine Typhus

A type of illness that is transferred to cats that come into contact with dead rodents or infected rodents, such as mice or rats.

This is commonly happening in cities with very old sewer systems, or in the areas where there are a lot of rats, like docks or ship ports.

This illness is caused by Rickettsia Typhi that’s transferred onto rodents by the rat flea known under the scientific name as Xenopsylla Cheopis.

This common disease can become widespread due to the constant traveling of the infected hosts.

It is especially prominent in tropical areas. Although it is not uncommon to see it in moderate climates.

They are commonly found in Central America, but also some regions of Europe such as Spain, France, and even Greece.

Cat scratch disease (CSD)

Another common and unusual disease which can cause serious harm to humans if they get in contact with an infected cat.

Apart from the obvious scratching, other symptoms are rarely shown.

This disease is transferred via blood and saliva. So be careful not to have your cat trying to groom the sensitive parts of your body such as the face, fingers or toes.

This disease is bacterial and is easily transferred through either bite marks or scratching.

The area that gets bitten or scratched will become swollen and various lumps may appear on the body. The most common symptom is a constant headache and exhaustion.

This particular illness is especially dangerous for people with heart diseases and even cats that show inflammatory heart issues.

These common fleas and tick transferred cat illnesses can also endanger humans, so we hope that we’ve managed to inform you about why you need to pick only the best flea and tick treatments for cats!

5. The common types of cat flea and tick treatments

Thanks to the cats being domesticated worldwide, there are a lot of potent and valid treatments that help reduce tick and flea issues for them to lead a healthier and happier life.

Aside from the constant grooming and taking care through vaccination and proper diet, cats also need constant help and checks for any sort of bacterial or external or internal parasitic infection.

This is why there are products that are meant only to attack a particular problem, as well as products that come as preventive medicine.

Oral treatments

These range from tablets to food products that your cat can consume to get rid of the tick or flea issues.

They are not as effective in removing flea eggs or tick eggs. But they are most efficient in keeping your cat’s body protected against all types of parasites that commonly strike a cat’s body.

Some of the medical oral treatments are usually insecticides that attack a parasite’s neural activities.

They basically make the outer layer of the cat’s skin dangerous for the fleas to bite, thus rendering them dead in a manner of a day or two at most, depending on how resistant they are.

Some of these oral medicines are infused with acaricides, which serve to attack specific arachnids such as ticks or mites.

Most of these are highly effective in killing the blood-sucking external parasites.

However, they are not completely effective in reducing their numbers. Bloodsucking still occurs and can lead to the next stage of the tick and flea developments.

Always be sure to contact a veterinarian regarding the uses of the tick and flea oral medicines.

Topical treatments

These are usually sold as powders or sprays that you can directly use on top of the cat’s skin.

They are also various pomades and gels used for serious rashes or allergies where powders and sprays can’t protect.

They work best in the areas without much fur and in some cases. The removal of the fur will be highly recommended for the sake of application.

These are usually attacking fleas and ticks directly on contact, or they’re used as repellants by giving away the smell that ticks and fleas generally avoid.

On top of that, these types of tick and flea topical treatments are also multifunctional as they protect against mosquitoes and other types of insects or external parasites.

They are applied before the summer season as preventive measures, although they can be used after the problem occurs.

Flea shampoos

Flea and tick shampoos are among the best products to use to get rid of these external parasites!

They require a somewhat unpleasant bath for a cat, but nothing that you wouldn’t already be practicing as a responsible cat owner.

Flea shampoos are highly effective in removing flea eggs, larvae and adult fleas from cats, and can ease up the removal of ticks too.

The cat flea and tick shampoos are also working to clean your cat of any dirt and keeping their coat fur clean and shiny.

Basically, you are getting several products at once!

However, since all cats react differently to both water and the different types of shampoo, be sure that you are using only the recommended ones.

Don’t forget to ask a veterinarian about which one to use for your specific pet cat.

These shampoos are usually made from all-natural compounds. But there are also some shampoos with active insecticides in them that are applied only in severe cases and under the veterinarian’s supervision.

Anti-parasitic cat collars

These sorts of products are usually frowned upon. But in recent years, their use has been made to be very safe to use on cats as long as they’re used with a lot of precaution.

Furthermore, these collars usually work great in combination with both topical and oral medicaments for the cats.

However, most cats will find the use of collars restrictive or highly annoying.

This is why collars should be gently introduced to cats so that they do not find them uncomfortable over the prolonged periods.

The reasons why collars are frowned upon are because some of the low-grade ones will be irritating the cat’s skin and also make them lose fur over a prolonged period of use.

This is why it is recommended to put on a cat collar only during the times of spring and summer. The risk of fleas or ticks is high when the temperature is higher.

The collars are usually repellants that give away a highly unpleasant smell or neurotoxins to fleas or ticks, as well as other insects or arachnids.

It can reduce the flea and tick infestation for a day or two, depending upon their potency.

The 5 best flea and tick treatments

1. Bayer Advantage II Flea Prevention for Cats

Bayer Advantage II Flea Prevention for Cats

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Our first pick goes to Bayer’s Advantage II Flea prevention for cats. And there’s a good reason for this.

Nasty fleas and ticks can make your cat’s life miserable. The non-stop scratching that leads to bleeding are definitely something you want to avoid at all costs.

This is exactly why we recommend this particular flea and tick treatment.

Bayer has developed a treatment that kills fleas through contact. What does that mean? Well, exactly what you’re thinking. Fleas don’t even get to bite your furry friend!

Advantage II also kills flea larvae and flea eggs. Moreover, only one treatment prevents further infestation for 4 weeks!

So, how exactly does the Advantage II kill fleas at all life stages? It attacks the flea’s nervous system which thus paralyzes and ultimately kills it.

One of the active ingredients in this treatment is Pyriproxyfen. An insect growth regulator that kills flea eggs and larvae.

Immature flea life stages consist of around 95% of an infestation and can be almost invisible to the naked eye.

An additional advantage is that this treatment is waterproof, which means that you won’t have to worry about whether it stopped working after your cat got wet.

This treatment is easy to apply and suitable for use on cats and kittens 8 weeks of age or older. It’s a monthly topical treatment that you can trust to keep your cat flea and tick free!

As with every treatment this one also has side-effects, so, make sure to follow the dosage instructions provided by your veterinarian.


  • Kills fleas at multiple life stages
  • Easy topical application
  • Waterproof


  • Side-effects

Bottom Line

Other products, for it to work, the fleas need to bite your cat which is exactly what we’re trying to prevent in the first place.

That’s why you should invest in this treatment, not only does it work well, but it also doesn’t wait for a flea to bite your cat to start working.

If you’re worried about side-effects, don’t be. The trick is in the right dosages for your cat. If you don’t know the right dosage, consult your vet!

2. Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cats

Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cat

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Another great Bayer product is Seresto Flea and Tick Collar. This flea collar contains active ingredients, such as Flumethrin and Imidacloprid which have a reputation for safety.

They’re also effective, working together to kill adult fleas and prevent reproduction.

This flea collar works by releasing low concentrations of active ingredients and distributing them over your cat from head to tail for 8 continuous months.

As active ingredients wear off over time, the collar continuously replenishes the skin and coat with a new supply.

Just like with the topical treatment, this one also kills fleas and ticks through contact. The pests won’t even get to bite your cat, they will already be dead.

The collar is non-greasy and odorless. If you’re afraid for your cat’s safety should your cat become trapped, her strength should widen the Seresto collar to allow for quick release.

If your cat is not fond of pills and monthly topicals, then this collar is a good idea for you two.

However, this flea collar gets its share of negative reviews from people who say that their cat had a severe skin reaction to the chemicals in the collar.

Again, be sure to contact your vet before using any of the flea and tick treatments.


  • Kills adult fleas, flea larvae, ticks
  • Works for 8 continuous months
  • Easy to use


  • Side-effects

Bottom Line

For some cat owners, collars are not even an option. But why not? Give them a try, and you won’t be sorry.

This Bayer’s collars protect your cat for 8 months. That means 8 months of not worrying about whether your cat is protected or not.

This product is one of the best ones on the market for a reason!

3. Novartis Capstar Flea Tablets

Novartis Capstar Flea Tablets

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It would be ideal if you could get rid of fleas and tick fast. Now, you can with this fast-acting product!

Now, we know that oral products have some bad rep, but don’t dismiss them just yet.

In most cases, oral treatments are formulated with gentler ingredients that are safe for your cat to ingest.

They usually only kill adult pests, so their effects are temporary.

Novartis Capstar flea tablets are capable of killing the fleas in approximately six hours with only one dose! Talk about fast!

However, you must know that these tablets aren’t a replacement for long-acting treatment, they are merely used to bridge the gap.

This means that Capstar is only a temporary solution that can provide some relief for about 24 hours.

Another good thing about Capstar is the fact that it is easily applicable. Just place the pill directly in your pet’s mouth or hide it in food.

If you hide the pill in food, watch closely to make sure your pet swallows the pill. If you are not sure that your pet swallowed the pill, it is safe to give a second pill.


  • Kills fleas within 30 minutes to 6 hours of initial treatment
  • It’s safe for consumption
  • Rarely has any side-effects


  • Doesn’t kill flea eggs or larvae

Bottom Line

If it’s a temporary help you need to protect your cat from pests, Capstar is a great idea for you. It kills fleas in a matter of hours. Plus, it’s safe for consumption! And it rarely has any side-effects!

4. Wondercide Flea and Tick Control Spray

Wondercide Flea and Tick and Mosquito Control Spray

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If you opt for sprays, then we recommend you choose Wondercide Spray.

Wondercide is made of natural ingredients such as organic, therapeutic-grade essential oils, and Vitamin E.

This spray is safe to use around your family and won’t harm trees, bushes, or flowers.

This spray is a great alternative to pills or other types of monthly chemical treatments. It is safe for cats of all ages.

This treatment kills and repels both fleas and ticks. It also stops itching and scratching, comforts dry skin and hot spots, and is pH balanced for healthy skin and a fresh smelling coat.

Additionally, it’s easy to use! All you have to do is simply rub your cat’s coat in the opposite direction of growth, spray and rub in.

Spray the body, legs, tail, belly, and armpits. Spritz into your hands to rub onto your cat’s ears and face.

However, it’s not recommended to soak your cat in it. Full coverage will ensure the best results.

Repeat this 2-3 times a week or as often as you need, depending on the pest pressure in your area. You should spray before your pet goes into unprotected areas.


  • Natural ingredients
  • Safe for everyone
  • Easy to use


  • Some of the ingredients can cause a reaction in some cats

Bottom Line

If you opt for a spray, choose the one with natural ingredients in it. However, make sure to check whether your cat is allergic to any of the ingredients in it!

Natural sprays that prevent fleas and ticks are a great and safe way to protect your cat and your house from these nasty things!

5. Safari Flea Comb for Cats

Safari Pet Products Safari Flea Comb

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The last but not least on our list of best tick and flea treatment is Safari Flea Comb.

This comb features two rows of fine teeth that will help you to thoroughly go through your cat’s coat, removing flea dirt and fleas from their body.

The good thing about this comb is that they can be used together with other flea and tick treatments.

Safari’s flea comb is great because it pulls adult fleas out of your cat’s fur without causing discomfort.

Just pay attention to particular areas around the ears, nape of the neck, and base of the tail when combing your furry friend.

After combing, immediately dunk the comb into soapy water.

However, some fleas are extremely small so don’t be surprised if your comb doesn’t remove all of them. That’s why pairing it with other flea and tick treatments is also good.


  • Easy to use
  • Two rows of fine teeth
  • Doesn’t cause discomfort to your cat


  • Doesn’t extract all the fleas

Bottom Line

A comb that doesn’t cause discomfort to your cat and helps you get rid of fleas is exactly what you need! The comb’s fine teeth effectively grab and remove fleas.

A comparison between topical and oral flea remedies for cats

You can choose between the two or even use both for the sake of extra protection. A good protective method is to use both preventive and active flea and tick killers.

However, in some cases, you might want to attack a specific flea or tick issue. In which case, one method or another might prove to be insufficient.

Here we will compare what are some of the benefits of both oral and topical flea and tick treatments for cats!

Oral flea and tick treatments

These are either used with food or mixed with water. They serve to both kill and repel fleas and ticks externally and they can also be used to attack potential germs and bacteria internally.

Most of the oral treatments for fleas are used as insecticides. Meaning, they are allowing a flea or a tick to bite your cat and get poisoned in the process that kills them soon afterward.

Think of it as a layer that envelops your cat’s entire body and makes it a flea and tick killing machine.

Some of these can hurt your cat in large amounts. So asking a veterinarian should be mandatory before the application of these medications.

These are best used to treat the already present issues, too!

Depending upon the sort of a problem, your cat can consume these alongside with vitamins and other healthy and beneficial compounds.

Pet shops offer a wide variety of these products, but we do advise you to be concerned and vigilant. Most of these are not meeting some of the recommended criteria.

If you’re not careful, you might end up buying a cheaper product that not only won’t suffice in the flea removal but also might hurt your cat’s internal organs.


  • Cats can’t groom and ingest dangerous materials
  • Amazing protection against fleas and ticks over a prolonged period of time
  • Can attack several bacteria and parasites simultaneously


  • Needs flea and tick bites to actually work

Topical flea and tick treatments

These are often used externally in the form of foams, sprays, gels, or powders. Sometimes even as dips, as well as shampoos.

The choices are going to be various and different. However, most of these products should be used with care or with just one purpose.

As such, a need to apply one solution might restrict the use of another solution. Some of these attack flea eggs, whilst others attack adult fleas or ticks.

It depends on the product used as well as the different methods of application. Some of these products must never be used on sensitive parts and generally avoiding the head is important!

Another thing to worry about is that, when you are using these products, you need to take care not to allow your cat to groom herself.

Although most of these products come in a natural form that’s safe for cats to digest, most are not suitable for younger cats or kittens.

All you need to do afterward is to repeat the process every few weeks depending upon how your cat reacts to it and whether or not the parasites emerge again.


  • Actively kills parasites and serves as repellant later on
  • Instantaneously kills parasites, sometimes even in minutes
  • Protects long before any bite can occur


  • Can’t attack any internal bacteria or parasites

How to get rid of fleas in your home

The flea infestation of your home is one of the worst things that can happen to you during the summer days.

Not only will it catch you completely unprepared for the event, but you won’t have any peace day or night if it happens.

Fleas are known to come in huge numbers and if they find sufficient food source, humidity, and protection from the sun.

Be sure that you are going to have a bad time! One flea is enough to produce over a hundred, if not thousands of other fleas throughout one lifetime.

  • Check whether there is an infestation: Adult fleas make up only a small number of visible fleas. On every adult, flea considers that there are hundreds of unseen ones right there in your home, on a carpet, or in the cat’s fur.
    Check for eggs or flea dirt regularly.
  • Regularly clean your home: Keeping your home clean is the primary goal here, but be warned that a simple vacuuming process won’t really get rid of fleas. You will need to throw away the bag since flea eggs are highly resistant.
  • Wash all your carpets several times: Your carpets will be the primary hatching ground for the fleas, as they adore such places to hide their eggs in. Flea eggs are slippery, so they will usually be on the lowest point of the carpet.
    Deep cleaning is a must over the course of several months!
  • Sprinkle a mix of baking soda and salt in large amounts: One of the best ways to clean is to sprinkle baking soda and salt on the carpet. The salt will dehydrate the fleas, whilst the baking soda will kill their nervous system easily.
    Dehydration is the best method to instantly kill fleas, but it does not affect eggs or pupae forms. Repeat this process several times over the course of several months!
  • Use lemon or vinegar spray: Fleas are highly sensitive to any acidic spray such as vinegar or lemon. They dislike its smell and won’t come close to it. You can use it as a repellant of sorts, but it doesn’t affect the flea eggs nor flea pupae.
  • Use flea sprays: There are specific mixtures to buy and directly spray on the flea-infested areas.
    Keeping your kids or cats outside is a must since most of these are highly toxic and can cause serious harm to the lungs, even lead to nausea and headaches.
  • Use fogging: There are numerous sprays that fog fleas out of the home. They are a kind of smoke contained in a fog bomb, a special type of a can that will make the entire home smell in a specific fashion that fleas hate.
    However, this is potentially hazardous and dangerous so use this as your last resort only!
  • Swipe all darker places of the furniture: Fleas adore to hide or put their eggs in small wooden cracks on the floor or furniture.
    Swiping all your wooden furniture by using a mix of soap and flea repellants should make it very hard for fleas to infest these areas of your home.
  • Sprinkle salt in your gardens and yard: Although this might sound weird, it actually helps reduce the number of fleas in the nearby surroundings in the long run.
    This will also help with various ticks and other insects that can’t survive the dehydration process caused by salt.
  • Keep a clean garden and yard: In the long run, keeping a nice garden or a yard will help reduce the flea and tick populations. Be sure to constantly mow the grass and do not allow the existence of very dark and wet places in your garden.
    If you do have a fountain or similar, be sure to actively keep it clean or use products that kill nearby insects.
  • Use pesticides on your yard: Be sure to use this only as of the last resort, especially if you plan to let your cat play outside.
    Pesticides are extremely useful against flea and tick infestations and can keep your yard clean for months to come!
  • Use diatomaceous earth: Diatomite is a specific material you can sprinkle around the yard, especially if it is mixed with water. It is completely biodegradable and can’t be harmful to the animals playing outside.

How we chose these products

Our criteria for choosing these products came from long research and experience with various cat protection products.

All products we reviewed are highly graded and recommended by both satisfied customers, professional veterinarians, and industry leaders in the area of parasite repellants and best flea and tick cat treatments.

Please note, while we are only offering the best products for your cat, each cat is different so you might need a specific set of repellants or other types of treatments for your cat.

Checking with your local veterinarian is something we urge you to do as soon as you notice any sort of flea or tick symptoms.

Although these products will be used to kill potential threats to your cat, there are other illnesses that fleas and ticks transfer. So proper medical attention is a must.

We would love to hear from you about your methods of dealing with cat flea and tick issues.

How do you deal with them? What sort of products do you use? Does your cat like wearing a collar?

Leave a comment with your thoughts below!


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